Gopher iQ Self-Park Test in the Grape Fields

We took the Gopher iQ to a local farm to test drive a few parking routes. It passed with flying colors!

We ran a few routes to test our Gopher iQ’s new self-parking abilities. We ran the program for the self-autonomous electric grape cart to drive itself down a row of grapes (approximately 8-minute walk back and forth), turn, drive back on the adjacent row, turn again, the park itself in front the indicated endpoint.

We also ran a test for the Gopher iQ to turn and self-park from 6 rows away.

Watch and see our new self-parking technology pass the grape field test!


Vinergy’s Harvest Model Route is Saving Grape Farmers 30-40% in Time Lost in the Fields!


We Tested Our New SELF-PARKING Technology for the Gopher iQ