Vinergy’s Harvest Model Route is Saving Grape Farmers 30-40% in Time Lost in the Fields!

Traditional harvest methods that require workers to transport fruit with wheelbarrows produce a time loss on average each day of 30-40%.

Vinergy introduces the HQ and Gopher iQ, an innovative system that solves this problem.

The HQ is a centralized packing trailer that organizes field harvest logistics and allows for all packing to be done in one location, while eliminating the need for swamping.

The Gopher iQ is an autonomous cart that transports fruit from pickers to the packing location. This combination allows for optimum efficiency in the table grape harvest.

Watch this video to see how the Gopher iQ works using the Harvest Model Route.


An Inside Look into Vinergy Headquarters (HQ Prototype)


Gopher iQ Self-Park Test in the Grape Fields